Workers Uncover Perfectly Preserved Chalkboards From 1917 During School Renovation



Workers Uncover Perfectly Preserved Chalkboards From 1917 During School Renovation

source: Did You Know Facts

If you’re a lover of old things much like myself, I think you’re going to enjoy this story. When workers were renovating Emerson High School in Oklahoma City, they uncovered some pieces of the past that happened to be perfectly preserved.

source: Did You Know Facts
source: Did You Know Facts

When the workers began removing the chalkboards to replace them with modern Smart boards, they uncovered another set of chalkboards behind the ones that were currently in use. The drawings on the original chalkboards were in amazing condition, revealing that they dated back to 1917.

source: Did You Know Facts

What’s amazing is that the drawings look completely undisturbed – nothing was erased before the newer chalkboards were layered over top. It has to make you wonder if that was intentional, and that whoever did this hoped future generations might one day stumble upon school lessons from the past.

source: Did You Know Facts

Emerson High School principal Sherry Kishore explained that she loved the discovery of the old chalkboards, and was amazed to see that many of the lessons taught back then are still taught today – just in a completely different way.

source: Did You Know Facts

Kishore decided to bring her 85-year-old mother in so she could see the old chalkboards. “She just stood there and cried,” said Kishore. “She said it was exactly like her classroom was when she was going to school.”

I love stumbling onto a time capsule – and this is the perfect example of that! It’s amazing to see something completely undisturbed from over 100 years ago. I’m so glad that someone thought to take photos so this story could be enjoyed by many people.




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