20 Times 3rd-Graders Wrote The Funniest Letters To God



As the old saying goes, “Kids say the darndest things.”

So when a third grade teacher asked her students to write letters to God, their replies were just as hilarious and off-the-wall as you’d expect. Best of all, they didn’t mince words as they tackled some of life’s greatest mysteries.

1. Not the light bulb or automobiles…

2. We’re pretty sure God won’t mind.

3. She’s asking the deep questions.

4. A fair question

5. No, but seriously we want to know.

6. Scandalous!

7. Well, this is awkward.

8. Interesting idea!

9. Darla’s brother better watch out!

10. There might have been a few bugs to work out.

11. Dennis isn’t calling God old, but…

12. The answer might surprise us all.

13. Get it right next time!

14. Good thing we have so many.

15. We second this motion!

16. When you don’t want more school.

17. Quid pro quo.

18. He’s got a valid point.

19. The truth hurts.

20. You’ve got yourself a deal!

These kids are beyond adorable! We love their brutal honesty and fresh perspective. The only question they missed is whose idea was it to invent mosquitoes?



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